
Puppeting is the ability to link your Matrix identity with your Slack identity, and send messages as if you were talking from Slack.

Example of a puppeted message
A message sent from Element appearing as a native Slack message

While the bridge supports sending messages as itself on behalf of users (including setting an avatar and name), there are limits to its abilities. An “[APP]” logo will appear next to your messages, and users are not able to DM you or invite you to chats.

Example of a puppeted message
A message sent from Element appearing as a bot message.

Puppeting also allows the bridge to connect you to channels that the bridge would otherwise not be able to access, such as DMs and private channels.

Setting up the bridge

You will need to configure the bridge to support puppeting before you can make use of it.

The minimal set of configuration you will need is:

  enabled: true

  enable: true

  client_id: "12345.12345"
  client_secret: "abcdef12345"
  redirect_prefix: "https://yourexternaladdress/"

You must enable puppeting and RTM support. RTM support means the bridge will use websockets to communicate with the bridge rather than HTTP pushed events.

Finally, you must have OAuth2 configured. OAuth2 is used to authenticate users with Slack and get the required access tokens in order to puppet
accounts. client_id and client_secret can be found on the OAuth page of your Slack App (under https://api.slack.com/apps). Ensure you have all the correct permission scopes. (see OAuth2.ts for an up-to-date list) For this to work, the bridge must be listening for external HTTP requests on the port configured by slack_hook_port. A load balancer should be used for this.

You must also ensure that you have configured Redirect URLs on your Slack App to contain the URL provided in redirect_prefix. You must also update your Request URL in Event Subscriptions. Ensure the bridge is started, otherwise Slack will not be able to verify the URL.

Once this is all configured, you are ready to start puppeting.

Connecting your account

Connecting your account is a simple affair. You need to message the bridge bot, which will be @{sender_localpart}:yourdomain in a private direct message on Matrix. The sender_localpart will be in your registration file. Send the bot the command login and follow the link provided.

Once you’ve completed that step, your messages will now arrive through the bridge. You are also free to disable access to the HTTP listener configured above IF you do not wish to puppet any other users.

Extra configuration

You may configure additional options if your circumstances require it.

Deny some users the ability to direct message

If you wish to deny some users the ability to send direct messages, you can use this configuration below. You can use allow|deny to choose who is allowed or denied, and matrix|slack to identify which type you wish to block. Strings surrounded by / are treated as regex strings, otherwise they are treated as complete identifiers.

        - /^@evil/

For example, this configuration would block users who have a user_id starting with @evil from messaging Slack users.


The offical Matrix.org bridge does not support puppeting or private channels. We suggest you either self-host, or find a provider for this bridge.